Prvý školský týždeň, od 4. 9. do 10. 9. 2023, bol pre niektorých žiakov našej školy netradičný, pretože ho strávili na školskom výlete v Anglicku.
Vďaka spolupráci našej školy, cestovnej kancelárie „Školní zájezdy“ a hostiteľských rodín v Anglicku bol tento výlet skvelou príležitosťou ako spoznať anglickú kultúru a pamiatky.
Navštívili sme Brighton, Stonehenge, Oxford, rímske kúpele v Bath, Shakespearove rodné mesto Stradford upon Avon, Warwick Castle, Windsor, Eton a samozrejme aj Londýn, kde žiaci počas celého týždňa aj bývali.
Študenti si odniesli množstvo pozitívnych zážitkov a pozitívny dojem zanechali aj vo svojich hostiteľských rodinách, ktoré ich všetky veľmi chválili za to, akí boli milí a šikovní.
Prečítajte si, ako sa o tomto výlete vyjadrili žiaci našej školy:
All of us can agree that the trip was amazing. The atmosphere among the students and teachers was nice, our tour guide Petr was helpful, organized and very funny. It was obvious he enjoyed his job and he made the trip even more interesting. We saw a lot of unforgettable monuments in different cities in England and many famous buildings of London from the top of the London Eye. If we had a chance, we would definitely go on this awesome trip again.
Students from II.AA
From exploring nearly 2000-year-old Roman baths, taking in the rich history of Christ Church College or wondering about the purpose of Stonehenge's monoliths, to shopping on London's high streets and relaxing on Brighton Palace Pier, the week-long trip had it all. Although the journey by bus was quite long and tiring, it paid off and now I have great memories I can look back on.
Adam Čižmár, V.AA
I was really afraid before going that I wouldn't like it, but it turned out great. Everything was lovely, I enjoyed it a lot. The only thing I disliked was the short time we were there. Coming back home was really hard and sad moment.
Viktória Dobránska, V.AA